J/A+A/vol/page Uranium line list 500-1700nm (Sarmiento+, 2018) ================================================================================ Comparing the emission spectra of U and Th hollow cathode lamps and a new U line-list L.F. Sarmiento, A. Reiners, P. Huke, F.F. Bauer, E.W. Guenter, U. Seemann, U. Wolter =2003A&A...VVV.ppppI (SIMBAD/NED BibCode) ================================================================================ Keywords: Catalogs - Line: identification - Techniques: spectroscopic - Methods: data analysis Description: We provide a U line list obtained from the spectra of a U-Ne hollow cathode lamp from Photron PTY Ltd. using the IFS125HR fourier transform spectograph located in the Institute for astrophysics Goettingen. The lamp was operated at 12 mA. The spectra was recorded using two different setup. The VIS setup covers from 500 to 1000nm. The NIR setup covers from 1000 to 1700nm. The line list contains new wavelength measurement of 8239 unblended lines that we attribute to U. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 51 . This file table5.dat (8239) (7) Description of the line-list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table5.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 10 F10.4 cm-1 ν̃c Line center 12- 14 F3.1 10^-3/cm-1 σν̃c Uncertainty of the line center 16- 24 F9.4 nm λ Line center 26- 28 F3.1 pm σλ Uncertainty of the line center 30- 38 F9.2 au I Relative line intensity 40- 43 A4 --- Specie Emitting element 45- 50 A6 --- Notes 'R2011' (contained in 2011); 'ULC'(U line candidate); '12'(U line candidate only in 12mA spectrum); 'R2011?' (U line candidate '?' in R2011 line-list) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: The addition of the "BibCode" (a 19-digit such as 1994A&AS..103..135A used by SIMBAD, NED, and ADS Abstract Services) would help to generate links to the appropriate papers. ================================================================================ (End) Name [Institution] xx-Jun-2018